It is impossible to choose among different possible enumerators. For example you can traverse a tree using different orders. The well known algorithms are: preorder, postorder, inorder and breadth‑first traversals. Therefore it would be useful to have an ability to choose an enumerator. For example using the following syntax:It is true that any type can have only one GetEnumerator method attached to it. But that's IMO not the same as "It is impossible to choose among different possible enumerators."
type TTreeEnumeratorType = (tePreOrder, tePostOrder, teInOrder, teBreadthFirst) procedure TraverseTree(Tree: TTree); var Node: TNode; begin // Variant1. For the class instances we can call the method Tree.GetEnumerator(teInOrder). // For the classes we can call a class method for Node in Tree using GetEnumerator(teInOrder) do Dosomething(Node); // Variant2. Or we can call the global function for Node in Tree using GetEnumerator(Tree, teInOrder) do Dosomething(Node); // Variant3. In the previous variant 'in Tree' is useless so the next code is a simplified form: for Node using GetEnumerator(Tree, teInOrder) do Dosomething(Node); // Variant4. We can try to avoid new context key-word 'using' by calling method: for Node in Tree.GetSomeEnumerator(teInOrder) do Dosomething(Node); // but this brings ambiguity to the compiler since Tree.GetSomeEnumerator(teInOrder) can be translated into // Tree.GetSomeEnumerator(teInOrder).GetEnumerator // This ambiguity might be resolvable by checking whether the class implements IEnumerator interface end;
I guess, i.e. this was not tested and not even tried - it is already possible to have different enumerators on a type. The desired behaviour could be achieved presumably in two ways.
Using IEnumerator?
Iff the current FPC implementation checks for existence of a IEnumerator derived implemented interface of a type (i.e. as opposed to checking for existence of exactly only IEnumerator interface), then it should be possible to have multiple distinct IEnumerator derived interfaces implemented by a type (each one returning a different enumerator object) and then "select" the enumerator like this:
// maybe parenthesis would be required bellow, i.e. (Tree as ITreeInOrder) for Node in Tree as ITreeInOrder do Dosomething(Node); for Node in Tree as ITreeBreadthFirst do Dosomething(Node);
Using the enumerator operator?
Another possibility is to declare multiple enumerator operators with differently typed operands and then cast the real type to select the specific enumerator:
type TInOrderTree = class(TTree); TBreadthFirstTree = class(TTree); operator Enumerator(Op: TInOrderTree): TTreeEnumerator; begin // implementation end; operator Enumerator(Op: TBreadthFirstTree): TTreeEnumerator; begin // different implementation end; //... for Node in TInOrderTree(Tree) do Dosomething(Node); for Node in TBreadthFirstTree(Tree) do Dosomething(Node);
The choice
The interface based variant seems a bit heavy to me. The casting is maybe somewhat lighter (per opinion), but at the same time a bit dangerous as type casts in FPC are - and have to be for a reason - usually a way how to tell the compiler not to take care of any type checking no more (an oversimplification, I admit, but ~applies to the current task). Both variants do also require declaration of new types, but that's a minor issue.
Let's get back to Paul's original proposal and specifically the Variant4. The observation "but this brings ambiguity to the compiler since Tree.GetSomeEnumerator(teInOrder) can be translated into Tree.GetSomeEnumerator(teInOrder).GetEnumerator" is correct. IMO the compiler must interpret the code exactly in this and only this way, but that's another story. Variant4 is also interesting here as it was chosen to play with in an attempt to get a usable case/implementation/usage pattern.
It's a matter of only personal preferences, but I like distinctly naming the specific "GetEnumerators" more than parameterizing a single one, so the container's client code will be something like:
for Node in Tree.InOrder do Dosomething(Node); for Node in Tree.BreadthFirst do Dosomething(Node);It's a few characters shorter and IMO pretty readable also. Conceptually, one should choose which enumerating behaviour should be the default one, supposedly based on the estimated typical usage pattern, and implement that enumerator as the (single) .GetEnumerator method of such type. All the other enumerators, if properly named, would make the intention clear. For example a TSomeMap could have a "default" enumerator returning the key-value pairs and the the specific/special .Key and .Value enumerators:
type TKey = String; TValue = Integer; TPair = record Key: TKey; Value: TValue; end; TMyMap = class(specialize TSomeMap<TKey, TValue>) // ... end; // ... var M: TMyMap; P: TPair; K: TKey; V: TValue; // ... for P in M do ProcessPair(P); for K in M.Key do ProcessKey(K); for V in M.Value do ProcessValue(V);
The implementation
Bellow are excerpts from heContnrs.pas implementing both the default (0 .. Count - 1) and the .Reversed (Count - 1 .. 0) enumerators of a vector.
//... interface type { TheEnumerator } generic TheEnumerator<TIterator, TValue> = object public type TGetCurrent = function(const Iterator: TIterator): TValue of object; TMoveNext = function(var Iterator: TIterator): Boolean of object; private FGetCurrent: TGetCurrent; FIterator: TIterator; FMoveNext: TMoveNext; function GetCurrent: TValue; public procedure Init(const InitialIterator: TIterator; const Mover: TMoveNext; const Getter: TGetCurrent); function MoveNext: Boolean; property Current: TValue read GetCurrent; end; { TheEnumeratorProvider } generic TheEnumeratorProvider<TProvidedEnumerator> = object public FEnumerator: TProvidedEnumerator; function GetEnumerator: TProvidedEnumerator; end; { TheVector } generic TheVector<TItem> = class public type //... TEnumerator = specialize TheEnumerator<Integer, TItem>; TReverseEnumeratorProvider = specialize TheEnumeratorProvider<TEnumerator>; private type PItem = ^TItem; private //... function GetItems(const Index: Integer): TItem; function MoveNext(var Index: Integer): Boolean; function MovePrev(var Index: Integer): Boolean; public //... function GetEnumerator: TEnumerator; function Reversed: TReverseEnumeratorProvider; end; implementation uses SysUtils; { TheEnumerator } function TheEnumerator.GetCurrent: TValue; begin Result := FGetCurrent(FIterator); end; function TheEnumerator.MoveNext: Boolean; begin Result := FMoveNext(FIterator); end; procedure TheEnumerator.Init(const InitialIterator: TIterator; const Mover: TMoveNext; const Getter: TGetCurrent); begin Assert(Assigned(Mover)); Assert(Assigned(Getter)); FIterator := InitialIterator; FMoveNext := Mover; FGetCurrent := Getter; end; { TheEnumeratorProvider } function TheEnumeratorProvider.GetEnumerator: TProvidedEnumerator; begin Result := FEnumerator; end; { TheVector } //... function TheVector.GetItems(const Index: Integer): TItem; begin Assert((Index >= 0) and (Index < Count)); Result := FData[Index]; end; function TheVector.MoveNext(var Index: Integer): Boolean; begin Inc(Index); Result := Index < Count; end; function TheVector.MovePrev(var Index: Integer): Boolean; begin Dec(Index); Result := Index >= 0; end; function TheVector.GetEnumerator: TEnumerator; begin Result.Init(-1, @MoveNext, @GetItems); end; function TheVector.Reversed: TReverseEnumeratorProvider; begin Result.FEnumerator.Init(Count, @MovePrev, @GetItems); end; end.
The example
This code ...
program project1; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} uses heContnrs; type TStrVector = specialize TheVector<String>; var V: TStrVector; S: String; begin {$if declared(HaltOnNotReleased)} HaltOnNotReleased := True; {$endif} V := TStrVector.Create; try V.Add('foo'); V.Add('bar'); V.Add('baz'); Writeln('for S in V ...'); for S in V do Writeln('S = ''', S, ''''); Writeln('for S in V.Reversed ...'); for S in V.Reversed do Writeln('S = ''', S, ''''); finally V.Free; end; end.... compiled and executed, produces this output:
$ ./project1 for S in V ... S = 'foo' S = 'bar' S = 'baz' for S in V.Reversed ... S = 'baz' S = 'bar' S = 'foo' Heap dump by heaptrc unit 9 memory blocks allocated : 892/912 9 memory blocks freed : 892/912 0 unfreed memory blocks : 0 True heap size : 360448 True free heap : 360448 $